Things To Know Before Considering Skilled Labour Hire

by | Jul 22, 2016 | Business

Most company owners don’t know what skilled labour hire is or may not know how to find it. In most cases, you will go through a staffing agency to find an individual or a few people who know what to do and how to do it. They are already trained and already have experience in the industry, so you get the benefit of hiring them without training them. They can be long or short-term hires, and you don’t have a set limit as to how long they must be employed by you or how many temps you can hire at once. Many companies use them for a month or so to help with data entry, forklift driving or other needs.

Advantages To Using Skilled Labour Hire

Using a staffing agency, such as QX Labour, will give you options for almost any work you need to have done. You aren’t required to pay their taxes or provide them with medical benefits, nor are you responsible for laying them off and paying for their unemployment needs.

You get more productivity in the workplace because you aren’t stopping to interview or train new hires. They already know what to do and can start working the moment they arrive.

Instead of paying the employee directly, you pay the staffing agency. Therefore, you may be able to get discounts and won’t have to pay any added wages or options. Most agencies work on a flat rate per day, week or month, depending on how long their services are rendered.

If you like the temporary hire in your employ, you also have the option to hire them directly from the agency for a small fee. Each agency has different rules about how to hire employees outright, so you’ll have to discuss that option with the company you choose.

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