The fundamental objective of indoor air monitoring is to gather data that can be used to manage and improve air quality. Monitoring programs are closely linked to the areas of concern. The result of collecting air quality data provides indisputable evidence of the level of contaminants in the air and helps responsible parties decide how to manage and improve air quality. The continuous collection of pertinent data becomes the basis for policy development and evaluation. Once a plan has been adopted, it is possible to confirm if air quality targets are being met.
The quality of air people breathe a significant impact on their overall health. However, as important as health is, the collection of data also helps to identify long-term trends and patterns. When deciding on an air monitoring program, questions must be asked. Why monitor, what is the target, and how and where to sample are typical questions that must be answered. The common reasons for monitoring include air quality research; providing data to support strategy development, and the assessment of results against standards. In many cases, the target is obvious. Once the contaminant has been identified, the method of monitoring must be decided upon the how and where decisions involve a critical assessment of cost vs. performance.
Air quality in a working environment is extremely important, and the team at SESA, Safety & Environmental Services Australia, fully understands this. That’s why you can always count on them to ensure the air in your workplace is safe and hygienic. The team are specialists in monitoring the air, testing the air, and investigating the air in your workplace, and they will always offer suggestions on how to fix any issues that is found in the process. When you need top notch air monitoring, you can count on this company.