Sleep Dentistry Can Take The Fear Out Of Dental Visits

by | May 18, 2016 | Health & Fitness

Most people have no problem going to the dentist and realise it is a necessary and routine thing. For others, however, they avoid the dentist’s chair like the plague. The reasons can be numerous and don’t matter because the alternative to not going to the dentist can be far worse. For example, you can get cavities, more pain, infections, gum disease, lost teeth and many other situations from neglecting the dental chair. Some people also experience other health problems that affect their overall health.

Your Options

No longer do you have to let fear keep you away from the dentist. Sleep dentistry allows you to relax and be comfortable during almost any procedure imaginable. You can relax and rest while the dentist does their work and wake up knowing you’re all done with the procedure.

Who Should Consider It?

Hills Dental Care offers sedation dentistry to almost anyone who has an anxiety to visiting the dentist. Whether you’re afraid of needles, have a gag reflex, have sensitive teeth or have a natural aversion to dentists, you can use sleep dentistry. Plus, it works really well for long procedures that may make you antsy or bored.

How It Works

There are two types of sleep dentistry, including oral and intravenous. With oral options, you may get a pill that works similarly to a mild sleeping pill or anti-anxiety medicine. You will usually take the pill an hour before the appointment and start feeling drowsy quickly.

While you’re still awake, you won’t remember most of the procedure and will feel relaxed and comfortable throughout.

Intravenous options will require the use of an anaesthesiologist and anaesthesia. A needle is inserted into your arm or may be inserted directly into the mouth. This option may not be best for those with an aversion to needles.

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