Even though dental emergencies are rare and most people only have one within their lifetime, they are sometimes unavoidable. It is necessary that you have an emergency dentist on hand, so you’re prepared when you need urgent care. They will have the experience and knowledge to treat your problem and alleviate the pain safely and quickly. KB Village Dental can help you save your smile when emergencies arise.
A persistent, painful toothache is one of the most common reasons people go to dentists. It can be spontaneous and can be confined to one part of the mouth or feel like all of your teeth hurt at once. Likewise, it can hurt more when you eat something or drink something cold/hot. You may also notice that your gums are swollen or tender. A toothache can be an emergency because the pain is unbearable and traditional OTC pain medications may not help.
Trauma Or Bleeding
Sometimes, your mouth may suffer trauma from a fall, accident or another injury. If you’ve knocked out a tooth and it is bleeding, you need to seek help immediately. Dentists can sometimes save the tooth, especially if you place it in milk and get to the dentist as soon as possible.
Other traumas can result in a loose tooth or bleeding that won’t stop. While any hospital can help you, a dentist knows the mouth area best and can usually save your smile.
Most people don’t realise that they can fracture their tooth just like a regular bone in the body. Minute fractures and cracks may not do any damage but may look unsightly. These aren’t considered emergencies, but you can use cosmetic procedures to help look better. However, when the crack goes down past the gums and into the root, you’ll experience intense pain and swelling.