Do you cringe at the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair? If so, pain-free dental treatments will be worthwhile. These treatments ease the process of whatever procedure is being carried out by the master of dentistry, because it means that the patient will not feel a thing. Usually provided with one of three types of sedation, the dental treatment is performed with the use of pharmaceutical agents that depress the body’s central nervous system, thus calming down the patient and reducing the pain factor. Sleep dentistry, or sedation dentistry if you will, can be mild, moderate or strong. Learning the facts will give you a better idea of whether or not it is worth consulting with a professional for pain-free services.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Anyone who feels very anxious about sitting in a dental clinic and getting a dental procedure completed should think about paying for sleep dentistry services. The procedure, no matter what it might be, could be very uncomfortable for the patient unless he or she is put in a state of temporary unconsciousness with sedation. A dentist might also find it more difficult to perform their job if they are dealing with a twitchy patient who fidgets a lot or squeals at the sight of a needle.
What Types of Sedation Can Be Used?
The medical and dental history of a patient will be checked in-depth before sleep dentistry can take place. The reason for this is so that the dentist can avoid using certain types or amounts of sedation that might affect the patient’s physical state and health. Generally, the dentist who is trained in this form of dentistry will use oral sedation, inhalation sedation or sedation administered through the veins. It is important to remember that you should have a designated driver to take you home safely once the procedure has been completed.
Is Sleep Dentistry Successful?
The success rate for sleep dentistry is fairly high and this is why so many people are visiting dental care clinics for these services. Each patient will have a different degree of sedation, but should have an equally pain-free experience, following the initial assessment. Anxiolysis is what will likely be administered for a successful procedure on a patient with anxiety, whilst mild or moderate consciousness sedation will be given to someone who doesn’t really want to remember the procedure. In some cases, general anesthesia will be provided or for complete unconsciousness, deep sedation.
Rely on the qualified team at Hills Dental Care to provide sleep dentistry services. Call (02) 9899 3100 for a quote.