Beef Cuts Are Your Guide To The Perfect Steak

by | Aug 11, 2016 | Business

It doesn’t matter where you live or where you’re from, steak is one of the most favoured dishes. Even though it’s so popular and delicious, it is also one of the hardest to cook, especially if you’re not an experienced chef. Most people can cook steaks, but they never seem to be the same as they are when you order them at a restaurant. The cut of beef is primarily the way to the perfect steak, though there are other factors.

Beef Cuts

You can’t get the right steak if you don’t choose the right cut of meat. There are multiple choices available from shops like The Meat Store, making it confusing for many. The five primary options include tenderloin, T-bone, sirloin, rump, and rib-eye.

Ribeye tends to be the most popular option because it has more marbling and is tender. Tenderloin is perfect for those who don’t want a lot of extra fat, but can be one of the more expensive cuts. Rump and sirloin are cheaper, but they can be tough if not prepared correctly. However, the most full-flavoured and all around favourite is the T-bone.


You can cook almost any size of steak, but it should be an inch thick, at least. Anything thinner can dry out and be leathery when cooked medium to well done.


Whether frozen or cold, the meat must sit out and come to room temperature. Cold or frozen steaks will contract and toughen the meat, which will make it unsavoury. Likewise, they should be left alone for a full 60 minutes if possible, and seasoning should be done after they’re cooked.


Once cooked to your preferred doneness, the meat should rest for about 10 minutes, covered with aluminium foil. This allows the juices to redistribute and makes the meat more flavourful and tender.

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